Pet Talk Magazine

Two beautiful, obedient Labrador Retrievers have taken on the most important task known to man … teaching others. Prophet and Monk are carrying out some very important work in churches, [...]

The Legacy of a Champion

It is Friday, September 2008 in Amarillo, Texas. A man stands before a crowd numbering in the thousands, but he is not alone. He is armed with the Word of God and two hunting dogs. By anyoneā€™s [...]

Trusting Others

I was thrilled this quarter when I learned the theme for this magazine is trusting others because of how naturally the topic of trusting fits with dog training. In dog training trust is the key [...]

Retrievinā€™ for Jesus

ā€œThey that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.ā€ And the highest title [...]

Southwestern News

Brief mention in the Southwestern News Magazine. A hunting dog named Prophet taught Southwestern Seminary students to heed the Master’s call during chapel, Nov. 11. “Ask the beast of [...]

Dangerous For Good

The theme of this monthā€™s magazine is a concept I have not given much thought to; dangerous for good. Those words didnā€™t really seem to go together until I saw them in a real life situation. I [...]

Monk’s Obedience Training II

Hello Friends, As a dog trainer, I must continually decide which dogs to take to the championship. So, with many great dogs to choose from, how do I choose my champions? I must use careful [...]

Monk’s Message

Someone once asked me, ā€œHank, how do you know which puppy is going to be the next master level champion? How do you develop their hidden talents?ā€ My answer to him was that the first part is [...]

Trusting Others

In dog training, trust is the key that opens the door to freedom. What makes this relevant is that this is also true for men and women today. All dogs today are descendants of the great [...]

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