(03/28/15) – Preacher and I headed out to Michigan for several talks at Ravenna Baptist Church. We had barely stepped off the plane when we were hit with a vicious gust of 14 degree wind. The added wind chill factor dropped it even further to about 5 degrees! Preacher immediately turned to run back into the plane and I had to drag him out. There wasn’t a single patch of green anywhere! Everything was engulfed in snow.

Ravenna itself was a pleasantly small town with a population of around five hundred people. Due to the small size of the stage at Ravenna Baptist, we originally planned to have our presentation outside. The weather however, had other plans and forced us all back inside. The generous people of Ravenna were not deterred and set to work expanding their stage! Cinder blocks, fence posts, and scrap lumber were all used for the expansion which included a four foot ramp! God is truly awesome!

During our talk the Lord used Preacher dog to inspire 231 people to renew or make new commitments to Jesus Christ! What a truly wonderful experience we had at Ravenna. Our many thanks to Pastor Wetzig for inviting us as well as the congregation of Ravenna for their amazing efforts in spite of the nasty weather.

God bless.


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