(02/19/15) – Last Thursday evening KDM presented at the Fort Worth’s Stockyards! This was a Call of the Wild Sportman’s Dinner put on by Travis Avenue Baptist Church.

The Stockyards were a nice change of scenery from the usual sanctuaries we frequent. The event staff went far beyond the given to decorate this large space that accommodated the full house later that evening. With the well placed mood lighting, smartly designed programs, and fancy table placements; Travis Avenue really made us feel welcome.

Feeling in our element and with a packed house full of good ol’ boys, the Dogs and I were pumped. During our presentation the Dogs, with the Lord’s help, inspired 159 men to commit their lives to Jesus!

Thank you so much to Travis Avenue for having us as well as the event staff for their hard work.


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  • Shana Allen

    When I saw Kingdom Dog Ministries was going to be in Ft. Worth, I knew I had to be there. As a Labrador fan and one sold out for Christ Jesus, I just couldn’t wait to experience it firsthand. There was a huge turnout, and the Word of God was shared in the most unique, real-life way, one could not help but feel the powerful work happening in that place. God truly does work through all His creation, any who would make themselves available and answer the call to go, find that which is lost and bring it back to the Master….. and what better way to display that message than through a Labrador doing at what it is created to do….. retrieve what it is trained to retrieve, and his master, using and sharing what God has placed in his hands to bless God and mankind. As a result of their anointed giftedness and obedience, thousands of souls have been saved, and names are now written in the Lamb’s Book of Life…. because they answered the call in such a creative way. Sometimes just ‘words’ can lose their effectiveness, going in one ear and out the other in this loud, noisy world. But when there is a real-life analogy happening right before your eyes, especially with an animal that many, many households have and can relate to, it becomes tangible, graspable, understandable, real…. Hope comes alive.
    Another thing that shines through and speaks volumes through their unique presentation is the power and importance to grow in wisdom, knowledge, training, and connecting with our heavenly Father, our Master, and focusing on things of God, turning away from the countless distractions of the world that steal, kill, destroy, and try to keep us from God’s best….. Obedience, focus, steadiness, peace, love, trust, and the ability to ‘be still, and know that He is God’….. It is a life-changing message and truth. Through the relationship of Hank and his Labs, Red and Preacher, we were shown in a special way, how much our Father in heaven loves us wholly, completely, and unconditionally, desiring the very best for us…. but we have a part to play…. we must respond to the command, the call. Additionally, our increasing obedience, growth, and willingness helps us to become one of the ‘chosen ones’ sent out for greater works, greater reward. The gospel message comes to life through the eyes of Hank Hough’s beloved Labradors. Thank you for all you are doing to share the love of Christ in a very special, powerful, unique way, with so very many people receiving eternal life through a relationship with Jesus Christ. <3
    Many blessings to Hank, his beloved, amazing Labs, and all the Kingdom Dog Ministries Team as you travel along your journey.

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