This information is critical to our setting up your crowdfunding campaign. This crowdfunding campaign is your portal to raising the money for your KDM setup (training, dog, etc). Please fill it out in it’s entirety.

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  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, jpg, png, .
    Please send us a good headshot (at least 800pixels on the short edge). You can upload up to 3. These do not have to be professional shots, but a high quality shot is preferred.
  • This is the text that will be on your crowdfunding project page. This should lay out the case for what you are planning and what you can accomplish for the Kingdom. This should be no less than 500 words but no more than 2,000.
    It is always better to have a video included in your crowdfunding project. Video is the richest form of online communication we have available. We have a couple of options for you when it comes to video in your project. If you are in the Houston metro area or are willing to come to the Houston metro area, we have a video partner that is happy to take video of you for your project. If you are not in the area, you can submit some footage to our video partner and they can edit it to put in your project. You can also not have a video. Please indicate below your preference. This video should be your personal pitch to potential donors on how their donated dollar will advance the Kingdom.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.