(10/08/15) – Loaded Gideon, Red, Bandera and the team up for a long haul to Fellowship Baptist Church in Louisiana. Anyone who’s driven from Texas to Louisiana knows it can be brutal; especially that long strip of bridge over the marsh land. Took us 11 hours round trip driving time and 21 hours total (time spent there + driving). Let for Texas around 9pm and arrived home about 3am. Tough hours but everyone hung in there. Kind of easy when you’re a dog who’s asleep in the back!

Fellowship Baptist was a standard mid size church with a very friendly staff and congregation. An excellent dinner was provided for all, on account of the event, and quality fellowship ensued. Friendly, accommodating, gracious, encouraging, helpful. I know these are words that are reoccurring themes in our travels, but I think this is evidence of how much God has been blessing our ministry. Although I’m sure we sound like a broken record attesting to the many smiling faces in the churches we visit, but it is such a blessing to be welcomed in a way that only the way God’s people can after such a long travel time (or flight for that matter).

I don’t usually bring three dogs with me on trips but for some reason I felt it necessary to do so. Usually in churches we have very structured time limits (especially in large churches) but the people at Fellowship said if we felt led by the Spirit to preach longer than out allotted time we are welcome to do so.

Started the talk out with Gideon, who performed well but short lived. When Gideon had gone as far as he could go, Red came to his aid. Red is a great dog with excellent potential and could possibly play a major role in the future of KDM dogs. However, being led, as we were, by the Holy Spirit to preach on Red eventually could go no further. The big guns had to be brought in and Bandera, the most seasoned of the three, took us out. During our talk the Holy Spirit led 45 people to make new or re-newed commitments to Jesus Christ!

Special thanks to all the staff at Fellowship Baptist for having us and we hope to visit again soon. God bless.


Fellowship Baptist Church

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