(03/28-31/14) – KDM was asked to speak during a three day event that took place near by in Montgomery Texas. The event was put on by the Lone Star Cowboy Church organization and for anyone interested in their different ministries may follow the link below for more information.

Over the span of the next three days we gave five talks to several large groups of people. A few of the talks took place in, what I believe to be, a large out door live stock building. This was a tad bit messy because of the dirt floor, makes sense for the building’s purposes, and it made the dogs messy messy messy.

All kidding aside we enjoyed our stay in Montgomery and took our presentations about God’s love, power, and forgiveness very seriously. During our five talks the dogs led over 300 people to make new or renewed decisions to follow Christ! What a number! What an experience! What an event!

Thank you so much for your continued prayers, thoughts, and the many opportunities those efforts provide for us. God bless.


Lone Star Cowboy Church

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